Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Bright Fire » Archives » Steve Ballmer’s Speech to the Democrats

Mark Anderson is one of the most entertaining, insightful, and occasionally vexing writers I read on a regular basis. I read every newsletter he sends out same day and save all of them for reference.

Even when I disagree with his perspective (think politics here!), it's not for lack of substance, which I find refreshing. In the case of the linked article and text from a speech by Microsoft's CEO, Steve Ballmer, I'm very much in agreement. If the government is going to spend $800B (more) in some sort of stimulus package, investing in the kinds of things that have long, positive impacts seems to me to be a no-brainer. Physical infrastructure, basic science and technology research and development are key levers enabling a healthy economy. They've been neglected too long in this country.

Since the final text of the compromise bill still isn't available (as I write this) to the public, guess we'll just have to trust our representatives to not waste our money. Ahahahaha! Sorry, cynical Congress bashing over. Take a look here for an interesting graphical look at where the money is supposed to go over time.

Meanwhile, read Steve's comments. We need to invest in science and technology not just at the level of infrastructure (broadband internet access, for example) but pure R&D.

A Bright Fire » Archives » Steve Ballmer’s Speech to the Democrats: ""

(Via .)

What do you think? Are we going to get there? Which countries are doing the best job of managing through the crisis?