Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Creating Organizations

We announced a new organization structure today at Celestica. I'm always amazed at how long it takes from conception to announcement and how much is left to finish the reshaping of large, complex organizations. By now, I shouldn't be surprised but....

The goal in this case is to better align IT to the business (novel concept!) while flattening out the organization. This creates more opportunities for leaders to be identified and provide the drive and momentum needed to create really amazing solutions that the business, our customers and their customers require. I'm excited by the leadership team that's in place. Great thinkers who are enthusiastic about their teams, the business and the challenge ahead.

The announcement isn't the end of the hard work of reshaping an organization; rather it is just the end of the beginning. Now the fun begins!

1 comment:

Gavin said...

Hi Patrick, I stumbled across your blog and realized that you are now the CIO of Celestica. As a former member of the corporate IT MES group, it's great to see that the organization is placing an emphasis on aligning IT to the company's business strategy. Many organizations fail to see the value of having this alignment in place and it puts them in a significant competitive disadvantage. I wish you guys all the best in your attempts to reach the pancaea of business modularity!